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US nursing shortage
Jens Erik GouldMar 18, 2024 12:00:00 AM3 min read

The US Nursing Shortage: Strategies and Solutions

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the United States is facing a significant challenge: a shortage of Registered Nurses (RNs). As our population ages and the demand for healthcare grows, nursing schools across the country are struggling to keep pace. In this blog post, we'll delve into the key factors contributing to this crisis and explore the innovative strategies being implemented to address the shortage.

The Growing Problem:

According to projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the RN workforce is expected to increase in size but will fall short of meeting recommended levels. This discrepancy is a significant concern, particularly in light of the 2010 Institute of Medicine report calling for increased numbers of baccalaureate-prepared nurses in the workforce. Currently, only 55% of registered nurses meet these educational requirements.

Contributing Factors:

The slow growth in nursing school enrollment is a major factor contributing to the impending shortage. Despite a reported 3.6% increase in entry-level baccalaureate programs in nursing in 2016, it is not enough to meet the projected demand for nursing services. Additionally, a shortage of nursing school faculty is limiting program enrollments, with thousands of qualified applicants being turned away due to budget constraints and insufficient resources.

The aging workforce is another critical factor. According to a 2013 survey, a significant portion of the RN workforce is approaching retirement age, with over half being 50 or older. Projections suggest that over one million RNs will retire in the next 10 to 15 years, further exacerbating the shortage.

The Impact on Healthcare:

Insufficient staffing not only affects the quantity of healthcare professionals but also impacts the quality of patient care. High stress levels among nurses, driven by inadequate staffing, contribute to job dissatisfaction and lead many nurses to leave the profession. This, in turn, negatively affects the overall quality of healthcare delivery.

Strategies in Action:

Despite the challenges, there are encouraging initiatives underway to address the shortage. One such example is the "Nurses for Wisconsin" initiative, launched by the University of Wisconsin in 2014. This $3.2 million program provides fellowships and loan forgiveness to future nurse faculty, aiming to combat a projected shortage of 20,000 nurses in the state by 2035.

Partnerships between nursing schools and healthcare systems are also playing a vital role. The University of Minnesota, for instance, has joined forces with the Minnesota VA Health Care System to expand enrollment in its BSN program. A $5.3 million commitment from the VA supports additional faculty, clinical placement sites, and interprofessional engagement to enhance care to veterans.

The Role of AACN:

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is at the forefront of efforts to address the shortage. By collaborating with schools, policymakers, nursing organizations, and the media, AACN is working to shape legislation and identify strategies to bridge the gap. Initiatives like NursingCAS, the centralized application service for RN programs, have been expanded to include graduate nursing programs, ensuring that vacant seats are filled and educational capacity is maximized.

Foreign nurses: In the quest to address the looming nursing shortage in the United States, one compelling strategy gaining momentum is the staffing of more foreign nurses at U.S. healthcare systems. Recognizing the urgent need for skilled professionals, healthcare institutions are increasingly turning to international recruitment to supplement domestic efforts. Foreign nurses provide a timely solution to fill crucial gaps in staffing. Their expertise and dedication contribute significantly to maintaining quality patient care.

The impending shortage of Registered Nurses is a multifaceted challenge that requires collective efforts from stakeholders across the healthcare spectrum. By understanding the contributing factors as well as by supporting initiatives aimed at increasing nursing school capacity and addressing an aging workforce, we can navigate this challenge and ensure a robust and resilient healthcare system for the future.


Jens Erik Gould

Jens Erik Gould is the Founder & CEO of Amalga Group, a Texas-based nearshore outsourcing company specializing in providing highly qualified talent in IT, software engineering, legal and contact centers. Previously, Gould spent over a decade reporting on topics such as business, politics, and energy in the United States and Latin America for esteemed media outlets like Bloomberg News, The New York Times, and TIME.